Kick it up a notch meetup
Kick it up a notch meetup

kick it up a notch meetup

Additional benefits include opportunities for advancement and a competitive salary ranging from $12 to over $18 per hour, depending on position and experience. Summer employees also have access to use any FCPA Rec Center. Work in a fun, upbeat atmosphere, surrounded by nature and scenic views.

  • Visitor Services Assistant/Volunteer Coordinator.
  • Horticulture/Nature Programming Coordinator (Adult Programs).
  • Please Note: CRAG-VT meetups are not guided events climbers should have their own equipment and be proficient with safe climbing practices.Why settle for an office gig when you can enjoy the great outdoors and get paid for it! The Fairfax County Park Authority is seeking to fill several seasonal and part-time positions at a variety of park locations surrounded by trees, sunlight, water, history, animals and fun! With so many opportunities to choose from, applicants can literally choose their own adventure!
  • Petra Cliffs: 105 Briggs St, Burlington, VT 05401.
  • Metro Rock Station: 320 Sunderland Way, Essex Junction, VT 05452.
  • Octoat Bolton Dome (Metro Rock if rainy).
  • September – See you at the Vermont Climbing Festival!.
  • Augat Smugglers Notch Boulders (Petra Cliffs if rainy).
  • July 19 Upper West (Metro Rock if rainy).
  • Thank you to our generous partners Petra Cliffs and Metro Rock Station for hosting these gatherings! We encourage everyone to wear their CRAG VT T-shirt at the meetup so we can find each other!


    Logistics: We’ll have an updated member list at the door (if at a gym) if your membership has lapsed you can update it at the event. If you’re not a member yet, sign up at the meet up!


    These gatherings are free and open to any CRAG-VT member. Member meetups are hosted on a rotating basis between Petra Cliffs, Metro Rock, and when weather permits, our outdoor crags. These are a great opportunity to get to know other local climbers, find partners, share beta, and try hard together. Let’s climb together! CRAG-VT is again hosting our monthly member meet-ups. If you have a CRAG-VT shirt, please wear it too!⁠ Bolton Green-Up Day Sign-Up Bring your own food and water and appropriate clothing for the weather. Please register to help give us an idea of how many volunteers to expect. We’ll reconvene at 12:00pm at the Garage to snap a group photo of our haul before we throw it in the dumpsters (and then go climbing!).⁠

    kick it up a notch meetup kick it up a notch meetup

    We’ll meet at 9:00am at the Town Highway Garage at 3530 Theodore Roosevelt Highway to grab Green Up Day bags and disperse around town. Join us Saturday, May 6th on Green Up Day to help beautify Bolton and give back to the broader landscape and community where we recreate.⁠ ⁠ Register Here for a Spring Stonework Trail Day at the Dome It’s fun and fulfilling work to see stone work grow over the course of a day…because you know that unlike wood it won’t rot, but it just might last forever. Your back will be sore after this work, but your heart will be bursting with pride. These structures will create a nice and flat belay terrace at the base of the left end/doctor slabs area, which will be awesome to create an even more sustainable and friendly area for your every day 5.6 crushers as well as beginners, families, and guided groups. This work involves picking up big rocks and setting them down. Join us this Spring at the home to help us finish up our largest ever trail project! We’re building a large stone retaining wall AND several stone steps to get on top of the terrace that the retaining wall will create. Bolton Dome Stabilization Spring Stone-Work Parties

    Kick it up a notch meetup